Acts 28 “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ- with all boldness and without hindrance.” Despite Persecution, , Opposition, False Accusations, Hardships, Shipwrecks & Snakebites… The Gospel of Jesus Christ has, and will continue to, spread across the world for the past 2000 years – UNHINDERED. The real question […]
Acts 27 – “Keep up your courage… for I have faith in God”
Some Dead Man Named Jesus
Acts 25-26. Paul’s 4th & 5th Trail
Acts 24 Felix was acquainted with Christianity, willing to listen, but unwilling to commit. Don’t be a Felix
Sanhedrin Justice
Acts 23 – Paul honors the Law as he is being accused of breaking the Law, while his accusers (the Keepers of the Law) keep breaking the Law.
Mob Justice
Acts 22 – Paul’s Defense before an angry mob
Deadly Determination
Paul was repeatedly warned what would happen if he went to Jerusalem – but he would not be deterred. Was he foolish? Was he stubborn? Was he faithful to God? Should we be more like Paul?
Bored To Death
This is the story of Eutychus who fell asleep in church. He died. Don’t be like Eutychus. Acts 20:7-12
Acts 19 is all about POWER. It is about Disciples who had NO power. Apron and Handkerchiefs that HAD power. Exorcists who tried to MANIPULATE power. And Idolaters who LOST their power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 says, “…the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” Listen and learn what YOU can […]
Best Supporting Christians: Aquila & Priscilla
Acts 18